Reclaim Your Happiness With a Hypnosis Program Designed Especially for You!

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Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind

At Journey Inward | Journey Outward Hypnosis, I am dedicated to helping you change the things that matter most in your life.

The path to radical change begins with the mind. If something in your life is causing unhappiness or distress, changing your mindset about it is essential. That's where I come in.

I've been studying hypnosis for 25 years, honing my skills to help individuals like you discover their inner potential. Unlike most hypnotists who follow a standard discovery call process, I approach things differently.

Click Here to see how my approach to hypnotherapy is different.

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Do You Know What Hypnosis Is?

Hypnosis is your radical focus on the change in your life that you want to make. 

Many Clients Who Come to Me Say:

"Nothing in my life works"... "I've tried to lose weight with every diet in the world, and nothing works"... "I'm pretty close to giving up on ever being happy again"... "Sometimes, when I leave my house, I have a massive panic attack and feel paralyzed"...

My Most Asked Questions

What Issues Concern You Most?

Do any of these symptoms feel familiar:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Lack of Self-confidence
  • Disappointment in Yourself
  • Lack of Self-discipline
  • Obsessed with a Toxic Relationship
  • The Pain of Betrayal 

You deserve to be happy and feel in control of your life without the symptoms that now make you miserable.

Man Having An Headache — Kennesaw, GA — Journey Inward Journey Outward Hypnosis

Don't just tolerate the symptoms. Treat the source of the symptoms!

Whatever is getting in the way of your happiness didn't just show up out of the blue. It's part of what I call "Your Emotional Operating System." Think of your computer. It's hardware with an operating system. And no matter how great the hardware is, if the operating system is outdated, your computer will perform differently than you want it to.

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Your Emotional Operating System 

"Your Emotional Operating System" was installed in your mind now of your birth. And it's been getting data added to it every moment of every day since your birth.

Every word you've heard from your authority figures – parents, family members, friends, teachers, religious leaders – anyone you have viewed as an authority – every word has been added to your "EOS."

A lot of that data was helpful to you as a child, but it's no longer appropriate for you as an adult, and some of it needs to be corrected. You were lied to.

Your "EOS" runs your life like your computer's operating system runs your laptop.

Your "EOS" drives your beliefs. Your beliefs drive your thoughts. Your thoughts go into your behavior. And your behavior drives your results.

If you want to change the results you're getting in your life, you must change your "EOS"! 

That's what hypnotherapy is all about – it's simply a tool you can use to help you change your "EOS."

Here's how hypnotherapy works at Journey Inward | Journey Outward Hypnosis

1. Everything starts with a 20-minute Zoom conversation about what's happening in your life that seems to be causing unhappiness.

2. After that Zoom conversation, if I believe I can help you, I'll offer you a "No Pitch" complimentary hypnosis session so you can experience what hypnosis is like with me. I can share what it's like to work with you as a client. We will not talk about working together on an ongoing basis.

3. After your "No Pitch" complimentary session, if we both feel that working together would be of value, we'll schedule another meeting for that conversation.

4. In that conversation, we will dive into five things: 

  • You: where you are right now, how you got there, where you'd like to be, and when you'd like to be there.
  • Hypnosis: what it is, how it works, what to expect, and how to prepare.
  • Me: what steps will I take to help you get from where you are to where you want to be
  • Investments: how much time, money, and energy will be required to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
  • Answers to your questions.

5. You'll now decide where we go from here.

Take your next step to being happier!

Schedule your 20-minute initial conversation today, and let's see if I can help you. Just click this link to get on my calendar.

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How Happy Are You? 

Your Happiness Number from 1 to 10

At this very moment, it doesn't have to be your "forever happiness." Your happiness and the way you are experiencing your life can change. You can change them. You're the only one who can change them.

You may be unhappy because you feel powerless or are "not enough." Perhaps that's because, somewhere along your life, you believed something an authority figure told you that wasn't true.

If you're unhappy with how you feel, know this: You can transform your life. You're the only person who can change your life. I can help, but you do the work.

Another thing is that you are not broken, and you don't need to be fixed. What you need is an Emotional Operating System Upgrade!

And that's what you can expect from hypnosis - An upgrade to that part of you that runs in the background and, yet, impacts every area of your life.


Professional Hypnotherapist

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